Monday 22 June 2015

Meal Planning Monday #13 {22 June}


It's safe to say, last week didn't not go to plan. AT. ALL. I'm so disappointed as I had really thought about last week's meals and even got hubby involved. 

When I picked Alfie up from nursery on Monday night, I knew there was something wrong. He was lay down outside and burst into tears as soon as he saw me and clung to me asking me to carry him to the car. Something he never does. Before we had even got to the car, he was sick everywhere. By everywhere, I literally mean all over me, it was down my top, on my arms, in my hoody.... all over the floor. He was sick three times in the space of five minutes. I felt so, so sorry for him. He not a sicky child and he was so upset at being sick :( Luckily, my mother in law was in the car so she came in to help and spare me some embarrassment of being covered and sticking of sick. Great first impression to make on some of the Mum's I'd never seen before! 

We got him home and noticed he had a few more spots, which were like warts. I had noticed a few red spots on him over the weekend but they appeared to be just , but spots or a little rash, but these were warts. So off to the pharmacy we went and the Pharmacist confirmed our suspicions. It was chicken pox. For the rest of the week, he was really quite poorly and out of sorts, not himself at all. So our meals were quick one's I could make or pizza's and the chippy (oops). 

I'm pleased to say that he finally seems to be on the mend this week and I think we are definitely on the mend. 

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. With Alfie being so ill, and it being Father's Day on Sunday, we didn't do a food shop, so we are eating up what we have in. Needless to say, this week isn't great. 

Monday: Smash pizza
Tuesday: Turkey breast, rice and veg
Wednesday: Chicken and bacon pasta bake with side salad
Thursday: slimming world spiced chicken and potato wedges
 Friday: We will probably have nacho's, fajita's or enchiladas

What are you eating this week? 

As always, I'm linking up to at home with Mrs M. You can also link up on twitter using the hashtag #mealplanningmonday via @madamding

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