Monday, 30 May 2016

11 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Number 2!

Due Date: 

Still 01 November, but by next week, I'll have my official due date.


After getting away with very little sickness last week, this week it's been back with a vengeance! Tuesday, the day I turned 11 weeks, was a particularly bad day as I'd felt off all day and I was really sick at night time which lasted way in to the next day, resulting in me having to go home early from work. I hated having to leave, but I had spent more time in the toilets than I had at my desk. My boss was brilliant though and was so understanding. I'm so glad I've told her that I'm pregnant and I'm not keeping it from her.

Other than the sickness, I've still got next to no energy to do anything and I'm going to bed as soon as I can at night, or falling asleep on the couch, then having to drag myself to bed.

How is baby?

The baby is approx 4cm and has all its fingernails in place and very soon, will start opening and closing it's hands. The head is also very formed, with all the facial bones present. The body is now becoming more proportionate but the head does still take up a third of the overall length.

How I'm feeling? 

Despite feeling so rubbish, I think my mindset has changed this week. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, so I've tried to remain as positive as I can this week and on the odd occasion where I've had a burst of energy, I've tried to do something round the house, so it's not all left to Michael. I keep telling myself that these early weeks are so nearly over and with that the sickness and tiredness should go too. I've also reminded myself that my feeling and being so sick is a sign that the baby is growing strong and I keep reminding myself that is the most important thing and once s/he is here it will have been worth every single second.

I know how lucky I am to be pregnant and I know there are women who would take feeling this bad and worse just to have a little baby growing inside of them. With that in mind, I've tried to focus more on the positives and not be so hard on myself for not being able to cook tea for my husband or play a game with my son. It won't last forever and in the grand scheme of things, it's only a few weeks that I'll feel like this.

I'm excited for my scan next week. I just can't wait until I can see our little bub on screen and hopefully know that everything is ok. It's getting quite hard to hide now because as you can see from the picture above, I've already got a bump! At work, I'm wearing lots of loose tops of hoodies to try and hide my belly! I'll be so glad when it's not a secret anymore :)

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