March has been a total write off for family pictures as I've been pretty poorly for most of the month and for at least 3 weekends, I've not wanted to get my camera out as I've felt so rubbish, not to mention the awful weather we have been having of late - I am so ready for Spring, but bar the odd day, it still feels very much like Autumn / Winter and I'm still wearing my winter coat and boots!
We started the month by having a lovely Mother's Day and I received some new pj's and a lovely bunch of flowers. I do love Mother's Day as I think it's nice to feel appreciated, however, as I logged on to Facebook and Instagram I saw people with such a lot of expensive presents and I just think it's all a bit silly. I'm Alfie's mummy every day and I'd much rather have a lovely card with meaningful words than have lots of lavish presents - surely that's what Christmas and birthday's are for, or am I the only one who thinks that? March can be an expensive month for us as it's Mother's Day, Michael's birthday and this year we have had Easter too, so I didn't mind not getting loads and loads of presents - I am Mummy to my gorgeous boy every day and that's the best present I could wish for.
I had planned on taking the pictures of us when it was Michael's birthday party in the middle of the month as we'd planned to have a little party at our house, as we do with all our birthdays. Sadly because I wasn't feeling well, we ended up cancelling the family coming round and we had a quiet day instead. I just wasn't up to entertaining and cooking lots of buffet food. I was really gutted and I really felt like I'd let him down, but he was such a good sport about it. On his actual birthday, I did feel ok and we had a lovely meal at our local pub and I got some lovely pictures of the boys, but it was so windy that I just wanted to get back in the car and I didn't think to take a picture with me in it too. I really wish now that I'd have jumped in for a couple as the background is just lovely.
I was really looking forward to Easter as I was so excited about having four days off with Michael and Alfie. We usually only get one day a week together on a Saturday, so I really cherish any extra days off we get. On Good Friday, we went to my grandparents house and we definitely picked the best day for it as it was dry and actually really warm. Alfie absolutely loves their garden as it's so big and they've kept all the outdoor toys from when me and my cousins were younger (I'm nearly 30 and my other cousins are 24, 18, 15 and 10, so she's kept them quite a while)! Alfie even had his first taste of badminton and he really enjoyed it, as did Michael and I - so much so that I even bought Alfie his own set as part of his Easter treats. The rest of Easter unfortunately was a complete wash out and it was back to being wet, cold and windy (I do believe Storm Katie is to blame). We did have a lovely Easter Sunday though and did a little Easter egg hunt at home on the morning, then we went to my parents, where my Dad had hidden some tiny eggs for him and we finished the day at my in-laws for a lovely meal. All in all, it was a lovely four days off with my boys.
We've got lots of exciting things coming up over the next few months, which I can't wait to share and I may be celebrating a milestone birthday in May, which I'm really excited about :)
Hopefully next month I will be much more organised and get our family pictures on time!