We didn't start the month off too great to be honest. I had to go to hospital on the 5th for a colposcopy as my smear test had come back abnormal. I was so scared and didn't know what to expect. Since then I've been back in hospital for the LLETZ procedure. You can read about my experience here. It's been a stressful time to say the least.
On the 6th, Michael and I celebrated our five year anniversary. I can't believe we have been together a whole five years already. It's flown and been the best five years of my life and I can honestly say he is my absolute rock and I don't know how I've have got through this year without him. I keep meaning to write a post about our journey so far, but it's still sitting in my drafts, I must get round to it.
The week later, Alfie was really poorly. I picked him up from nursery after his Monday afternoon session and he was sick everywhere just as we were leaving - including covering me too! Nice! He's not a sicky or poorly child, so I knew he must have felt really poorly. Turns out he had chicken pox. From having a handful on the Monday night / Tuesday morning, he was absolutely covered in them by Wednesday morning. I've never seen them so bad and I really, really felt for him. He was so miserable and out of sorts and bored by being stuck indoors. Which meant he acted up a lot as he hates having to stay in. On top of my health issues, Alfie being so poorly has made for a really tough couple of weeks. Poor Michael has really had it hard taking care of both of us. We had planned to go out with our in-laws for a meal on Father's day, but we had to cancel as we couldn't take Alfie out. We went to theirs for a meal instead, but because Alfie felt so rubbish, I didn't even manage to get a picture of him and Daddy on his special day :(
Thankfully, we have ended the month much better than we started it. My sister turned 20 on the 25th, so we had a little birthday tea at my parents for her, which was lovely.
And the weekend just gone, we surprised my sister and brother in law at their caravan and spent the afternoon with them and my inlaws and all three kids. It was just what we needed. Some down time in the fresh air and Alfie was in his element running free and playing outside with his big cousins and Daddy.
This months photo was a very last minute job which was taken this evening in the back garden. Thank goodness the sun was shining and please excuse the quality!!
Here's hoping July is a much better month and hopefully the good weather will stick around too!
I'm linking up to Lucy over at dear beautiful. Head over to her blog for more gorgeous family photo's.